Social Media Privacy Policy

Information on the Processing of Personal Data on the Facebook Social Media Platform

This text is part of the privacy policy of Clicktotherapy Ltd. as the data controller. In this text, you will find information about how the processing of personal data is conducted on this specific page.

Data Controller

The page is created by Clicktotherapy Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the data controller).

For any issues related to data protection, please contact us at the email address info[at]

For this processing (i.e., on this specific page of this particular social media platform), we inform you that we are jointly responsible for processing with Meta Platforms, Inc., which manages this social media platform.

Purpose of Processing

Clicktotherapy Ltd. processes data through this specific page for the following purposes:

  • to inform you about its activities,
  • to provide you with an additional means of communication.

Page Content

The content posted on this page mainly consists of posts about our activities, photos, and videos. When the content of the posts includes personal data, we ensure that it is processed legally. If you believe that the posted content violates your rights or the rights of third parties, please contact us directly.

Legal Basis for Processing

The legal basis for the processing taking place on this page is your consent. That is, by actions such as "like" and "follow," you express your consent for the processing of your username and possibly the photo you disclose on your profile. By taking such actions, you simultaneously confirm that you accept the terms of this specific policy. You can withdraw your consent in the same but reverse manner (unlike, unfollow).

If you browse our page without taking such actions, we inform you that we do not process your data. However, please note that the same does not apply to Meta Platforms, Inc., as detailed below.

What data we collect through the page

Through the aforementioned page, we collect and process certain personal data, such as your name and profile photo, as well as any comments or messages you make.

Additionally, this page allows us to collect anonymous/statistical data about visits to it.

However, we inform you that Meta Platforms, Inc. may possibly collect and process other data of yours (IP address, browsing history, etc.) through other methods, the scope and extent of which we do not control and cannot influence. Please refer to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy provided below.

How personal data collection/processing is done

Collection and general processing (retention, etc.) of personal data on this specific page only occur when you perform an action, such as liking or following.

However, we inform you that Meta Platforms, Inc. may possibly collect/process your data through other methods, the scope and extent of which we do not control and cannot influence. Please refer to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy provided below.

Retention period

Your data is stored in accordance with the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of Meta Platforms, Inc., which manages this specific social media platform. We keep your data only for the time necessary for the above processing purposes. In any case, every three years, we review the personal data we have processed and, on a case-by-case basis, delete them.


You have the ability to submit comments on our relevant posts. However, we urge you not to exploit this option by sharing with us or disclosing any personal data of third parties. In the event we detect such actions or comments containing illegal, unethical, offensive, or endangering content to Clicktotherapy Ltd., we will delete them without any warning.


You have the right to access, rectify, withdraw your consent without affecting the legality of the prior processing, delete, restrict processing, and portability of your data. Additionally, if you believe that this processing violates the relevant personal data protection legislation, you have the right to complain to the Data Protection Authority.

Clarification: the exercise of the above rights may be technically limited due to the choices and terms of use of Meta Platforms, Inc.


The personnel of the company managing this page are bound by explicit confidentiality obligations and specific security measures during the management process of this page's account.

However, we inform you that we do not know how Meta Platforms, Inc., the company to which this specific social media belongs, manages it, the terms, and the way it safeguards the personal data processed within this page. For more information, consult the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy provided below.


We inform you that the transfer of personal data posted on the official Facebook page takes place in the United States or other countries outside your place of residence. Following the abolition by the European Court decision of the EU-US Privacy Shield for transatlantic data transfers ("Privacy Shield"), Meta Platforms Ireland Limited uses standardized contractual clauses approved by the European Commission and, under specific conditions, remain valid. For more information, consult Meta Platforms. Inc.'s data policy at the link []( (section: "How We Work and Transfer Data in Our Global Services") and the link of the European Commission [](


We recommend that before providing any consent or taking any action on this page, consult the Terms of Use and the Data Protection Policy of the respective social media, as outlined above. In case you upload your own or third-party photos or additional personal data through your own actions on our page on the above medium, you are responsible for this processing yourself. Due to the particular ease of sharing photos and other personal data on social media, we recommend using them while assessing the possible risks arising from their disclosure. We reiterate that we cannot influence the above terms of use and Meta Platforms. Inc.'s data protection policy or the way it manages the overall processing of personal data. In any case, we declare that we do not know and are not responsible for whether the said social media further processes personal data, collects additional data categories (browsing history, IP, etc.), pursues additional processing purposes, uses data processors and sub-processors, engages in profiling, complies with the published data protection policies, and the way it manages the overall processing of personal data. For this reason, we provide you with the Terms of Use and Data Policy of this specific social media []( and [](, and we urge you to consult them before any action and inform you that considering the above, we use them particularly cautiously, understanding the potential risks.